New 7Pad V2 is out !

Proud to announce the new release V2 of 7Pad is ready

The V2 release comes with a new page on play-store, you need a fresh install :

7Pad v2 makes a new user experience :

New work-flow, layouts (enable full-screen with no action bar ) and graphic controls maximizing the ease and pleasure of making music with 7Pad. New scale list editor allow fast changes between favorites scales you choose : Access editor by touching the scale name, long press a scale in editor to add or remove from favorites list. Thanks to all 7Pad supporters, enjoy !

The 1.X version play store page will be discontinued soon and you must install the new app in order to get the V2 working : no update will come from v1.

Update 08/2019  : following  Promo code ended 

Enjoy this new release music lovers !

[bctt tweet=”7Pad new release v2 is on play store” via=”no”]